Smart Cities Connect  Conference & Expo

  APRIL 14-16, 2025 | SAN ANTONIO, TX


Smart Cities Connect commits itself daily to connect cities and city leaders with resources that help them thrive and make decisions that impact us all. With the recent passage of the historic Infrastructure Bill, there's a lot to parse through and many routes to approach the usage of new funds by cities.

Join us in Mayl at Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo when we discuss details of the Bill, call upon experts to dive deeper, and come together to answer questions and brainstorm. Cities can also meet private partners who may amplify funding opportunities and advise on allocation, systems, and more.


Key Questions / Example Panel Topics

  • How you know when and where to build smarter roads and bridges?
  • How cities can use data and build consensus to make the greatest impact?
  • From autonomous shuttles to data-driven decision-making about equitable routes, what public transit spending is most important?
  • How can we ensure our spending is equitable and prioritizes accessibility?
  • What will it mean for cities when broadband infrastructure is wired to every home?
  • What does it mean for a future workforce that broadband infrastructure is in every home, providing equal opportunity for all Americans?
  • How can public transit become smarter and more sustainable with this new funding?
  • How can smart technology provide security for our electric grid?
  • How can we use funding to strengthen cyber security for cities and residents?
  • What programs will make the most sense to leverage electric vehicle charging infrastructure and ensure its adoption?
  • What technologies and sensors can ensure that the infrastructure we install today - whether roads, pipes, or rail - are smart and can alert us to future problems?
  • How can we use smart technology to clean our water and measure cleanliness, in the future?
  • How can we bring smart technology and data collection to airports to ensure more seamless travel experiences and also greater security and safety?

Some Funding Includes:

  • $65B Smart Energy
  • $65B Digital Transformation (Broadband)
  • $47B Resilience
  • $55B Smart Water
  • $39B Smart Mobility (public transit)
  • $25B Smart Airports
  • $17B Smart Ports
  • $15B Electric Vehicles
  • $10B Reconnecting Communities
  • $66B Railroads
  • $100B Smart Roads & Bridges

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